Maria Trigo Teixeira's animated film won the Global Animation Award at the 2024 Jakarta Film Week.
At the 2024 edition of Jakarta Film Week, the film ‘It Shouldn't Rain Tomorrow’ (Maria Trigo Teixeira, 2024, Germany / Portugal, ANI, 11') was awarded the “Global Animation Award”.
The jury committee, made up of Dion MBD, Gea Rexy and Ronny Gani, made the following statement about the film: ‘The use of animation techniques appears in a unique way, never seen at the festival, presenting the audience with universal and disruptive issues, arousing an emotional reaction from the general public. Tomorrow Doesn't Rain' has the best narrative of all the nominees, which is why it deserves this award.’
The awards ceremony took place on Sunday, October 27th, 2024 in Jakarta (Indonesia).